Father Goce Postolovski was born on September 26, 1980, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, in a family of an Orthodox Priest, as a second Child to his parents Archpriest Jordan and Presbytera Jelica. He finished elementary school in Skopje Republic of Macedonia. With a blessing of then Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, Metropolitan of Skopje His Beatitude Mihail, enrolled as a regular student in the Macedonian Orthodox Seminary "St. Clement of Ohrid" - Drachevo, Skopje (1995-2000). He continued his education at the Macedonian Orthodox Faculty "St. Clement of Ohrid”, Skopje.
On December 04, 2010, on the feast of Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in the temple, in the church “ Nativity of the Virgin Mary” - Skopje he was ordained a deacon by His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, Metropolitan of Skopje Stefan. From 2010 – 2016 with the blessing of His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia Stefan, he was appointed to be a Treasurer at the church, “The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ”, Madzari - Skopje and as a parish deacon at the church “St. Prophet Elias”, Aerodrom - Skopje.
On June 09, 2016, on the feast The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the church “The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ”, Drachevo – Skopje, also by the hand of Archbishop Stefan was ordained into the priesthood.
On August 26, 2016 by the decision of the Metropolitan of American-Canadian Diocese Metodij, he was appointed as a Parish Priest at St. Nikola Macedonian Orthodox Church in Totowa, New Jersey.
November 22, 2021 with the decision of the Metropolitan of American-Canadian Diocese Metodij, he was appointed as a Parish Priest at Sts. Kiril and Metodij Macedonian Orthodox Church, Cedar Grove, New Jersey.
Father Slobodan Petkovski was born on February 17, 1955 in the village of Bogomila, Macedonia, where he finished Elementary School. In 1975 he finished Theological Seminary in Skopje. In August of 1975 he was ordinated as deacon of the Monastery of St. Ilia in Skopje. The next day, he was ordinated the rank of Priest by the Archbishop Dositej, in the Monastery of St. Georgij in Skopje. On July 12, 1984 Archbishop Angelarij awarded Father Petkovski the rank of Very Reverend.
In May 1985 he completed the Theology College, in Skopje, Macedonia. He had served as parish priest in the Churches of St. Spas – Dracevo, St. Arh. Gabriel – Autokomanda and Sts. Peter and Paul – Gorce Petrov, Macedonia. In July 1985 Father Slobodan is called by the Bishop to serve at St. Dimitrij Church in Rochester, New York, USA.
On November 2, 2002 Father Slobodan was called to serve at the Sts. Kiril and Metodij Church in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, USA. He served the Church for 19 years until his retirenment on November 21, 2021. His position was taken by Father Goce Postolovski.
In November 2005, Macedonian Orthodox Church’s Holy Bishops Synod awarded him with a Pectoral Cross, received on May 6, 2006, by Archbishop Stefan at St. Georgij monastery in Randolph.
Father Slobodan Petkovski has published a bi-lingual Book of Needs and Services Book in Macedonian and English with Matins, Vespers, Liturgy, Blessing of Five Breads and Troparia, as well as many other educational brochures for parishioners.
Father Slobodan Petkovski passed away on September 18th, 2022.
Metropolitan Metodij Zlatanov was born on 24 August 1963 in Berovo, Macedonia. He finished elementary and secondary education in Skopje. After two years of study at the Faculty of Philology, he transfered to the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "St. Clement of Ohrid" in Skopje, where he graduated in 1998. Soon after he continued with the master studies at the Department of Macedonian Literature and began working as a full-time professor and vice-rector at the Macedonian Orthodox Seminary "St. Clement of Ohrid" in Skopje. His monastic life began in 1995 first in the Monastery of the Mother of God – Eleusa in Veljusa, and later in St. Leontius Monastery – Vodocha. In 1996 he was ordained a Hieromonk and a few months later an abbot of St. Elijah Monastery in Strumica. In 2004 he was made an Archimandrite, and in 2005 ordained as Bishop of Velika. In 2006 he defended the thesis titled "Koco Racin and the Bogomils" and gains the title Master of Philology. That same year, on April 6, the Holy Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church appointed him as Administrator of the American-Canadian Macedonian Orthodox Diocese, and then as its competent Bishop and was enthroned on September 2, 2006 in the Diocesan cathedral "St. Clement of Ohrid" in Toronto. He is a member of the Writers' Association of Macedonia and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. He is the author of many books and numerous articles and essays. He was a chief editor of the "Orthodox way" magazine. He is a member of the editorial "Portal" and contributor to the magazine "Premin". Since 1993 he is a chief editor of the magazine "Domostroj (Dispensation)". Also he is an author of Religious Education Program for the third grade accepted as an official program in religious studies by the Holy Synod for 2003 and the Ministry of Education and the Bureau for Development of Education. Currently his residence is located in Detroit, Michigan.